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Old 10-31-2007, 05:10 AM
THEOSU THEOSU is offline
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Default Re: SEC football > all other football

dear fellow sports fans,

look, you guys act like it's our fault that because we've repeatedly beat down the likes of michigan, penn state, michigan state, wisconsin, et al, that it's somehow our fault that elite players no longer wish to attend those universities. i understand where they're coming from, i too would wish to avoid going to michigan for various reasons to begin with - the odor, the unpleasantly bouyant female student population, it's proximity to detroit - but when you add in the fact that you're basically competing with wisconsin for the privilege to go to the citrus bowl, well, that makes it downright repulsive. i certainly sympathize with fans of SEC schools in that your conference is, top to bottom, outstanding. i am not denying that.

we at ohio state do what we can. we schedule tough out of conference opponents. we support our fellow in state collegiate football programs by giving them a financially beneficial game every few years or so. and we play the conference slate that we've been handed.

if you guys have other recommendations for what we can do to further enhance our reputation in your sec smitten eyes and hearts, let us know.

in the meantime, i recommend you stop losing to vandy and missisippi state, ok? we don't lose to indiana.
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