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Old 10-31-2007, 04:11 AM
Nichlemn Nichlemn is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 86
Default Feeling bad on a heater

It seems that most people feel bad when they're on a downswing. But now I'm on an upswing and while it can't be all that bad... sucking out every big allin pot I'm behind recently and never getting sucked out on allin just feels wrong. When I played the hand okay it's not so bad, but when I recently rivered a 2 outer for a 200BB pot when I think I played it wrong... it felt only slightly better than if I'd lost a pot in the same situation.

And all the talk of variance makes me worried that it can't run good for that long, "karma" will put me on a downswing soon. Even though I know that's fallacious, it's hard to shake off that I *should* lose at some point.

Of course this must sound pretty stupid to most of you. "Dude, you're up 16 buyins in a couple of thousand hands! I'm down 16! Does *anything* make you happy?"
I suppose playing well makes me happy. When I play a hand badly, even if I win, I'm not happy because I was -EV.
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