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Old 10-31-2007, 01:42 AM
Damon Rutherford Damon Rutherford is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 15
Default Re: sometimes so close

Lest GA's bombshell gets lost in the trainwreckage:

Hang in there, dude. Trust me, those of us who tend more toward the goofyballer side of things know what it's like to fall hard, unreasonably hard, for That One Magnificent Girl. (Only difference, I guess, is that we're not usually trying to scoot out of the room to get away from Girls B, C, and D when Girl A sends us a text.)

Anyhow good luck, whatever you decide. I've lurked here forever, and your advice in these threads (as well as goofy's exploits) has motivated me to get my [censored] together in re to the ladyfolk.

Hopefully your TRs will not cease completely... there's still lots of popcorn to be eaten.
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