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Old 10-30-2007, 03:35 PM
Solanthos Solanthos is offline
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Default Firefox 2p2 Login issues

Hey folks. I searched and didn't see this covered, I don't know if this is a common problem or not but if it is I figure someone that reads this forum would know about it.

I use Firefox, and I have issues with logging into 2p2... specifically, I get logged in and can do whatever all day without any problem. However, when I leave work and come back in the morning, or when I go to bed and then wake up in the morning, when I go to the forums I am logged out. That, I would understand, thinking maybe it would be an automatic log out after x number of idle hours.

However, when I go to log in, it takes me to the My Home page, but it is still in the default skin (I have changed my skin for 2p2.) It also displays my number of PMs, etc. When I try to access any of this it takes me back to the same screen. When I try to type in my username and password, it takes me back to the same screen and won't log me in. The only way for me to log in is to go in and delete the cookies for and then try again... it then lets me in.

Any idea why this would be happening?

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