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Old 10-30-2007, 02:38 PM
Salva135 Salva135 is offline
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Default Re: Should the Pats be running up the score on everybody in garbage ti

I think that if a player actually did make a dirty hit on Brady that knocked him out for the rest of the season and possibly even his career, the backlash against him and his team would swamp the current antipathy directed toward the Pats right now - especially if it came out that a coach directly ordered for the hit. Run up the score or not, there is no place in sports for dirty hits that could result in serious injury. None, whatsoever. Anyone who says a serious hit designed to inflict debilitating injury on Brady or anyone else on the team is justified totally lacks perspective on the situation. This sort of unsportsmanlike conduct simply dwarfs anything the Pats are doing on or off the field.

And with evidence of a deliberate attempt, I would expect the NFL to rain down heavily on the dirty player and the team. Brady is one of the faces of this league and one of its biggest draws/money-makers. They would be none too pleased.
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