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Old 10-30-2007, 11:00 AM
tomdemaine tomdemaine is offline
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Default Re: Blackwater incident in Iraq

But bad people keep getting elected how can it be that the majority are good? You've got two options. Either everyone is evil and they like electing bad people or most people are good but the evil ones can use the power of the state to enact their evil. The answer isn't to put different people in charge and pray that their not going to be evil (when all historical evidence shows they will be) it's to stop putting people in charge full stop!

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What about most of the people who elect others are idiots? If you promise to do something about the gays getting married, they'll vote for you. With an electorate that focuses on important things like gay marriage, flag burning amendments and such, is it any wonder we get the kinds of governments we do?

(side note- I would add that, the above represents a significant amount of active voters, but most people are just disinterested, apathetic and don't know or care what's going on. American Idol is much more interesting.)

This is not a people who are going to work to make things better.

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So why advocate a power structure (democracy) that actively encourages apathy? You only vote once every 5 years, there's no real, choice all politicians are the same. Why would people be interested in the process when their views are never listened to?
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