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Old 10-30-2007, 04:50 AM
garcia1000 garcia1000 is offline
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Default Re: National Novel Writing Month Throwdown

Here's the next part of my novel!

I looked at Gareth, his platemail a shining beacon of order in the surrounding chaos. He seemed pensive, trusting my judgment but clearly hoping for a wise decision from me. Eugenia, meanwhile, had donned her apron and was busily cooking a hearty lunch. Today, we would enjoy penne in a white clam sauce, slightly softer than al dente, with an entrée of sun-ripened cherry tomatoes on the vine. The faint aroma of the clam sauce combined beautifully with the wail of the air-raid siren.

“Okay, soldiers. The outcome of this war depends on us. We must give it our all, whether it is in the trenches, in the hills, or any other terrain which provides us with defensive advantages. Let us take the fight to the enemy! To take arms against a sea of troubles! To arms!”

Gareth’s face burst into joy, as he had long wished to take aggressive action against the Doltians. Eugenia, too, was tired of being holed up in the fort, seeing it as a cowardly way to fight. They both smiled, stood to attention, and saluted crisply. “Yes, sir!”

Energized by their enthusiasm, I leaped onto the conference table, kicking away maps, markers, and other bric-a-brac. I pressed button twelve on the remote control, and as the equipment moved into place, performed Karaoke to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. The strobe light spun wildly as the booming bass music electrified the room. Belting out the words, conviction building within, I now knew how Caesar felt when he crossed the Rubicon.

As the song ended, I considered starting “My Sharona,” but Gareth and Eugenia were gone, probably having left towards the end of my morale-building Karaoke. I dismounted and walked towards the armaments room to join them.

P.S. Am I doing this thread right
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