Thread: SSNL Vid 3
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:44 AM
ikestoys ikestoys is offline
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Default Re: SSNL Vid 3

1.) I don't do this very often. But if you notice in the hands leading up to that, I was very, very aggressive. I raised pre more than every other hand and I was dominating postflop. I believe the hand before was when I had QQ against the same villain on a JJ10 flop where he min raised me apparently with nothing. It seem like he wanted to float me. TBH, I don't like my play if he's calling with K8 because I was assuming he was folding a 6,7,3(?) and maybe even some Qs. But hey, I'll take it.
2.)My double barrel with a4 wasn't good, I was muttering to myself how dumb it was. For some reason I thought I could fold out every except AK, but I was dreaming there.
3.)I didn't think I was ahead of the villains range. I expecting something like a seven at best, and I'm pretty far behind. If we are deeper, than I can call and catch up (or snuff out his bluff) since he was so nice to give me odds.
4.)Its no so much that he raised 109s UTG, because I'll do that too. Its because he was only raising about 6-8% of his range, but was raising 109s UTG. Because 109s is a rather weak holding (if you are raising 6-8% of your hands) than you should be turbomucking it if you have any positional understanding. Given the correct table dynamics, such as a really nitty and weak table, I can raise just about anything UTG.
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