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Old 10-30-2007, 02:39 AM
furyshade furyshade is offline
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Default Re: Pro-choicers must be anti-tax, no?

i honestly don't know how the commitment of the rest of a woman's and potentially many other's lives to a child that will not have a good living condition and most likely end up a burden on society. if two crack heads have a baby and don't want to raise a child that child will either be neglected, put into the foster system, or most likely both.

i argue that, the opposite of your point, if you are pro-life you had better be pro-tax, because if you want to make the decision that a woman must bring an unwanted child into the world you better be willing to pay for it. you should be willing to pay the required tax to feed, shelter, and raise that child if the mother can't. it is remarkably hypocritical to say that it is okay for the government to force a child into existence but after that the government can say sorry, its your problem now
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