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Old 10-29-2007, 11:51 PM
notfreemoney notfreemoney is offline
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Default Re: General Halo tips and tricks

if you are 1 on 1 and the other guy obviously gets the jump on you, dont stand there like and idiot and try and shoot back. Shoot but focus on getting good at running away such as through a door and tossing a grenade at the doors opening. They cant follow and if they do then they die and youve saved yourself a kill.

Im giving this tip because at the higher levels, if two people with ARs come in contact, typically the one who starts shooting first wins. The art of running away will save u though.

On a related note, dont stop shooting midway through a fight to throw a grenade when you are in a fight in the open. I see too many people do that. If you get caught in the open with nowhere to run. Shoot them as much as possible and then right b4 ur bout to die- toss a grenade at their feet. FRom the graveee.
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