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Old 10-29-2007, 09:49 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)

Hijack Question about taking it too far:

I'm driving along Comm Ave. today, right through Kenmore Square (Boston). Right as the light turns green at an intersection, this bus comes cruising in from the left. It cuts us off, obviously going through as it had turned red, but whatever, bus drivers suck, so I don't get too pissed.

Then I realize that it is trying to get in line behind the other buses and there is no room. Our light is still green. "I'm like WTF is this idiot doing?" and give a quick beep as do some others around me. The buses in front of her don't budge. Now I'm pissed, when all of a sudden the doors open. The driver is letting people out in the middle of the [censored] intersection. The light has now turned red.

There is still no room for the bus to pull into the bus row behind the others, but it could still maneuver up next to them, clearing the intersection. It sits still. The light turns green again. Then, the front door opens back up, and the bus driver strolls out and [censored] walks away. She heads towards where the other drivers are and starts talking to them and it becomes clear that is not too concerned with being quick about it, despite blocking a major intersection and multiple lanes of traffic.

At this point I've been sitting their for over 5 light changes (over 5 minutes) because of this bus. I, and others around me, have been intermittently laying on the horn and yelling swears.

I guess this was mostly a rant, but at what point do you stop laying on the horn and accept your fate as some schmuck in his car, unable to do anything? Do I get out of the car and go yell at the lady? Just lay on the horn when it obviously isn't havin an effect? I feel like my car needs a gun turret for times like this.

obligatory mspaint:

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