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Old 10-29-2007, 07:21 PM
Woolygimp Woolygimp is offline
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Default Re: 200nl: butchered set with 77 on ak7 board

Turn is the easiest call in the world, this is a WA/WB situation in position. You don't charge draws by raising, and there's very little chance that you're bluffing on this board and he should know that so AQ/AJ/AT can find a fold here if you do raise.

I raise a small river bet, and I flat anything 75% of pot or more.

Getting it in on the river won't be hard if you think you're ahead, but you'll have more information by then and can make a more informed decision. This also gives him the opportunity for him to bluff, or even put you on a float and call you with something like QQ or JJ.

'Shove and pray' ...great advice.
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