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Old 10-29-2007, 06:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Sit \'n Go Strategy study group -- Part 2: Mid Blind Play

two possiblities here that usally happens to me,

by now I either chip up to about 2000-3000 from 1500(full tilt) so i make raises preflop with touble hands, but fold on the flop if missed and get betted into for I figure it hit them.
i either try to use powerful preflop betting or small ball,,
but then again that becomes predictable so i combine them by betting the same but like i do for early blinds i keep the aces betting consistent with small pair betting.

I only play speculative hands suited connectors (killer poker author jv and tj cloutier says suited connectors will eat you up after all) on the small blind, or big blind. once in a while on the button if not raised.

basically i got the chips to continue on with my early small blind strategy.


or i find myself getting short chipped but not reaching the push or fold 10 blinds yet .
I remember making a bet 3 times bb with aces as i didnt' take a hand and everyone immediately folded to my aces.
yet i do not want to limp in with aces for then everyone gets to see the flop and aces go down in value.

instead what I want to do is take a page from the dominator and keep active with speculative hands like king queen, once in a while so when i do have aces i can raise it all in when reraised.

i do notice that a lot of restealing raises go on,, and when i do call them ,, it turns out they had aces to my queens or queens to my big slick and i missed on the flop turn and river for it usally go all in with big slick.

i am now thinking that i should call a raise with big slick and abort if i miss ? . best way to play it in an sit and go ?

restealing from the bb to the button with a decent hand is a techique I starting to use and it helped me out of a jam.
of course it was with specuatative hand and not a bluff so i was saying basically hey i got something back off and meant it instead of "please leave me alone "

and here with a decent hand i will steal reaise the blinds like in the book.
i dont' do it with trash , jack 4 . 92 . 69.

of course somtimes you get a suck out and you end up with 500 or missed with big slick..
so at 500 chips in the middle,, i still find it hard to wiat for the tight person to be in the bb,,
i still push all in with ace big , ace little, suited connector, or small pair.
and pray.

how should i change my game a bit for middle blinds?
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