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Old 10-29-2007, 02:01 PM
PokerPaul PokerPaul is offline
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Default Re: Ask mrbaseball about trading for a living

I am not nearly an authority on the subject such as OP or some of the others here but i can tell you this:

When i was at goldman sachs, the competition to get one of those institutional bond trading posiitons was enormous. They get tons of resumes from top universities, top of the class type individuals. on our florr we had about 14 traders. Of all of them, only 1 of them had worked his way through the organization to that spot. He had started in the mail room, then got to settlements cage, then to junior trader, and finally lead trader on T-bills i think. He was also a total kizass, but at least it got him somewhere and i can respect that somewhat, even though he was a jerk to all those 'under' him, ie. the very same people in the positions he started out from.

There was also just ONE other guy who was hired straight from school and went through the interview process. As for ALL the others, and i mean ALL of them, its funny becuase everyone either had a father or uncle already working in the company somewhere, or were related to some bigshot politician, or some other high standing member in the wall street community.

Its all about who you know....

Funny thing is...the BEST traders were the very two who worked their way to get there....
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