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Old 10-29-2007, 01:03 PM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: Neo-Conservatism and its Roots in Warfare State Propaganda

Interesting article, thanks for the link. I found the stuff about the founding of National Review and Buckley being a spy etc to be particularly amusing. I hope it is all true.

Apparently, the writer objects to the warfare state (his definition) and foams-at-the-mouth against groups that supposedly adhere to policies that promotes this type of activity. Why he wastes his time in this sort of analysis is something of a mystery to me. I suspect he never read Cicero, or Thucydides, or Edward Gibbon or the book of Genesis, or Ambrose Bierce for that matter. And he must have keep Mark Twain away with a 10-foot pole.

Le Misanthrope
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