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Old 10-29-2007, 12:17 PM
djdez djdez is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Posts: 18
Default Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?

Wow - of all times for this thread to come up ! I just had my last one out this past Thursday and it was HELL !!!

Let me just say - for all you YOUNG guys - GET THEM OUT NOW !!!

I'm 36, and mine also never bothered me and the dentist always said it was 'up to me' to get them out, and since they never bothered me, I never did.

Well, I had cavities that were filled in every one of them, but still, they never bothered me - until I was around 31 ... 2 of them cracked on me and the fillings broke as well, they were exposed and I had to get em out. Well, the 2 I got out around 4 years ago were rather easy - they were already erupted and not impacted, so they pulled them - and I did NOT go to sleep for it. Experienced some pain, but it was rather easy to deal with and I got them out within 2 months of each other.

Last Thursday however, was another story. I broke this one (bottom left) around 2 months ago, called the oral surgeon who did my other 2 and was about to go in. But, it didn't hurt, so I waited. Well, dumb mistake. Around 2 weeks ago, it really started bothering me and it was apparent I was causing more decay. *Someone posted earlier about your teeth decaying/rotting when you get older -- LISTEN TO HIM!*

So, I go to get it out the other day, and since it's cracked, they have a really hard time removing it - certainly NOT like last time. This was NOT the cakewalk the other 2 were. They pulled out this jackhammer looking thing and had to remove some of the bone to get the damn thing out - 35 minutes in the chair, AWAKE, for one tooth - it was the worst pain I have ever experienced !!! Got a script for Vicodin, but can't take it because I have stomach problems so I've been poppin Advil like crazy since Thursday. They also gave me an antiobiotic to prevent infection, since they had to do so much 'work' to get it out. Swelling was unbelievable as I looked like Brando in 'The Godfather' and I'm still kinda messed up today.

Be careful what you eat and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS so you do not get dry sockets.

Moral of the story - get em done while you're young - even if they're NOT bothering you !!!
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