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Old 10-29-2007, 11:20 AM
mondo mondo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 92
Default Re: Do you think dogs get lonely?


Different shelters have different requirements. The "fenced yard" is obviously preferred, as they would not like to see the dog stray again..... BUT, if you get to know the people, and demonstrate you are a responsible person, I don't see the fence being a deal killer.....

Another area you can look into is "_________ breed" rescue groups. My sister is actively involved w/ several in Atlanta, and I was involved when I lived in Athens. The nice part about these is they usually have a once a month or so gathering at a Home Depot or local pet store, and the dogs range from puppies to adults. The dogs generally live with "foster" parents while they are up for adoption. This is a really good thing, as the foster parents are very carefully screened, often have several dogs @ a time which is great for socialization, and are really helpful in accommodating people for adoptions to a good home.... once you've been around these groups, you develop a "sixth sense" of who is right for an adoption, and who is not..... If you are, (I'm sure you are.... look @ the research you're doing), then you will have no problem getting approved.....

Good Luck, and kudos to the others sharing insights. Dogs are a HUGE commitment, but life isn't the same without them.

peace, mondo
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