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Old 10-28-2007, 09:37 PM
Lostit Lostit is offline
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Posts: 177
Default Re: The discipline to fold TWO PAIR

If you had top two pair, this becomes very read dependent on the opponent. Against most opponents, this would still be a fold however. Look at the villains line. He's check/called every step of the way until now, and on the turn alone he's check raising you all in. To me this screams strength, and although top two pair might be something to call with if this guy was the designated table donk, against any normal player, simply let it go.

BTW.... You needed to bet that flop harder, at least pot sized, when you're playing a community pot like that. It would have gained more definition for the hand at that point in time. If CO was on a gut shot with 79, a bigger bet might have folded out some of those other players, therfore not giving the CO the implied odds to stay in. As it was, he was the fourth caller on the flop, with that low bet and was not forced into making a mistake call. With bottom two pair and a flush draw multi-way, you need to take that pot down on the flop, your hand was too vulnerable.
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