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Old 10-28-2007, 04:18 PM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Fact/Theory or Factheory?

Versions of this question have popped up in a couple of threads, so this is a specific probe -

Is there such a thing as a 'basic fact' or are all facts actually a fragment of an underlying abstract framework/theory?

The visual system may help by remembering those blind people who are given sight by an operation and can 'see' the objects in front of them in an optical sense but they don't represent anything to them. A ball isn't seen as being a sphere ...or anything really.

Iow, theory first, fact second?
I think we're born and quickly develop a rough and ready set of assumptions and fit the world into them, bootstrapping all the way up to Relativity and QM.
what say?

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