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Old 10-28-2007, 03:54 PM
excession excession is offline
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Default Re: Newbie looking for help

LOL sure if you want to be the next Phil Ivey it's about the talent, but if you want just to make $50-$100/hr as a grinder it's about discipline.

I play maybe 12hrs/week and make $60/hr sitting for and hour or two most night with my laptop in front of the TV.

My maths ain't great and my real world life (2 kids under 4, new house, full time job as corporate attorney and poorly wife) means I can never really pay attention or guarantee more than about 30 minutes of uninterrupted play - but I do play primarily for enjoyment and think about what I'm doing - I'd say a willingness to learn and a discipline to keep strictly to bankroll limits are far more important to most online winners than some nebulous concept of 'talent'.

For pro grinders the ability to play tens of thousands of hands/month without burnout and an ability to cope with extended downswings and avoid tilt are again more critical than 'poker intelligence' viewed in a vacuum.
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