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Old 10-28-2007, 03:31 PM
WiltOnTilt WiltOnTilt is offline
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Default Re: Why coaching when there are videos?

IMO you should be able to use free/inexpensive resources to build up your game such that you can make it to at least NL50 or NL100 before hiring a coach. If you're adamant about getting a coach (maybe you learn better through verbal methods?) then I'd think you could find a NL200 or NL400 winner willing to coach you for $75-$100/hr.

Mostly though I think if you read/post a lot of poker forums, watch the videos, and find some poker friends to discuss hands with on AIM it would probably be a more cost effective solution.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you can't move up from NL25 you probably have more than a few leaks stopping you from moving up. A coach could identify these very quickly but you'll have to shell out several buyins per hour in order to get that info...which could probably be obtained very cheaply through other methods.

If you have an extra big bankroll and you want to get on the fast track to moving up then a coach is a great idea even for a NL25 player...but you need to do it with the intention of front loading a couple thousand on multiple intense coaching sessions per week. If you're in that position it would be worth hiring a coach. If you don't have a bunch of disposable money then I'd work more on your game through the free/cheap methods.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
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