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Old 10-28-2007, 09:12 AM
Specialwon Specialwon is offline
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Default Re: Fulltilt froze my account with 47 grand in it

OP, I was sorry to read about your situation. Legal action would almost certainly not help you - you can certainly do nothing until their investigation is complete (whenever that might be) unless it takes a wholly unreasonable amount of time, by which I mean weeks or more. I think you are entitled to ask them to commit to a timetable and I think they should now say how long it's going to be and stick to it, given their first estimate has busted out.

I also think you should press FT for interest if and when your money is released, FT would be acting unreasonably if they did not at least put your funds on minimum deposit whilst they investigate.

Even if there is unreasonable delay or your money is eventually confiscated I'm sorry to say you would almost certainly be wasting your time bringing a lawsuit. The amount involved is probably not enough to warrant bringing what would be expensive and difficult Court proceedings even if your opponent were a US citizen - previous legal poster unfortunately didn't address the problems you would have in enforcing any judgment against FT who are of course not based on US soil, even supposing you could show it was all a big mistake. Don't take my word for it, try and engage an attorney on a contingency basis for this job and you will soon find out. They will want you to pay a fat hourly rate which will soon eat up any benefit you might get out of a lawsuit.

You're obviously an experienced and ruthless player whether or not guilty as charged. It sucks that you have nobody to appeal to other than the useless shills that are the KGC, but hey, you knew that when you signed up.

Next time maybe manage your exposure a little more tightly? Being accused (rightly or wrongly) of cheating and having your funds delayed or confiscated is a business risk for you just like being robbed at gunpoint is a serious business risk for live cash players.

Even better, move to Britain FFS, zero income tax and a choice of sites with robust oversight.

Josem, you're wrong. Banks freeze money on court order all the time where fraud is alleged. They can be committing an offence if they even discuss details of a freezing order with the customer. And lol at getting any information out of Customs if they decide to stop you and inspect your body cavities.
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