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Old 10-28-2007, 01:06 AM
Emmitt2222 Emmitt2222 is offline
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Default Re: Albums that needed a few listens

A lot of stuff here (bob dylan, neon bible, modest mouse stuff) I "got" right away. That said I think the biggest ones for me were Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, and Kid A.

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That's pretty freaky that these were the exact 3 albums I came in here to mention. It must not be coincidence. I think the biggest one for me out of these three, however, is YHF. YHF took me, literally, a year of occasional listening to eventually come to love and it now stands as one of the most flawless records I have ever had the privilege of hearing. It really is a grower in the truest sense.

Growers are always really worth it and I am glad that I listened to the advise of one of my good friends and CMI also, who encouraged me to give these albums a chance. They are now huge in my life. On a slightly related note, my favorite movie of ALLLL time is The Big Lebowski and it took me 3 times to even like the darn thing. I now literally fall asleep to it every night [with a Bob Dylan song in the opening credits usually being one of the last things I hear] Growers are worth it.
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