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Old 10-27-2007, 11:32 PM
Sorcerer808 Sorcerer808 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Posts: 481
Default Re: who wants to be staked? post your account name.

I've been winning at 200nl for about a year now but had to withdraw a lot when my mother died (ceremonies and [censored]). I now have 2.5k in my party account and am playing 100nl so it sux. If you could stake me 3.5k I'd be playin 200nl and it'd be fun and everything...

My party account is : Alamp123

In order to fasten the process, you could deposit into my account directly, you'd need my personnal info. My password is "p1o2k3e4r" (really nice PW concept I made up) and my address is "123 ruedelarue, Quebec City, Canada"

Since a lot of ppl read these forums, I've sent ya a PM regarding all the "secret question" matter they ask us when we want to acces our thangz.

I really do think I could be a good prospect for being staked because I'm a dynamic person, went to college and won't call sick cuz I'm on a hangover and [censored].

best regards,
Kevin "FakeName" Turner