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Old 10-27-2007, 10:40 PM
punkass punkass is offline
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Default Re: Small things to make the world better

Driving: anything that indicates you are courteous to other cars around you. This includes using your turn signals. Not driving 60 in the left lane. Not using your phone/putting on makeup/eating a plate of rice and beans (I've seen it).

Office Workplace: Don't be a gossip. Only other gossips like you, and everyone else hates you. Don't bring food from home that smells awful. Don't keep your dishes in the kitchen sink for days. Try to keep the place relatively clean! If it looks like I'm eating lunch, then I probably am. I don't appreciate non-emergency questions when I'm on my lunch.

Don't be loud. At the movies, at a restaurant, waiting at the dentist's, in a library, at Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. Is it me, or is everyone's noise level just unnecessarily louder than it should be?
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