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Old 10-27-2007, 05:27 PM
latvian7 latvian7 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 70
Default Re: Serious Beat: my mom broke up with my dad..Advice pls

Sry dude, this is a really sick beat. Um, well are you in college? Do u have a job while in college? I need some more situations. Basically, if you're not in college, then I would assume you could pretty much only support yourself and not your mom too on a low-wage job. Um... maybe save up $50 and grind out low limits on poker. This is more of a life thread tho, and I owuldn't try poker to help get your moms life back on track. BTW, tell ur mom to get a parttime job because $600/month is absolutely horrendous pay. If your dad pays for half bills and whatnot, and your mom gets a regular full-time job (waittress or cashier or something), she should be able to do everything on her own and u wont have to live with her. I don't understand why these wages are so low.

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Yes im still in school, and have a part time job 4h a day after school.Allready said the pay actualy is not bad in her work in Latvia, waittress gets minimal wage + the money she earns from tipping, minimal wage in latvia is - about 320$.
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