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Old 10-27-2007, 12:21 PM
Paxinor Paxinor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 87
Default Re: Not convinced KK all-in preflop up to 100BB is good idea (at $0.50

hmm i don't know when you saw me posting about datamining NL50 and i don't remember even doing that but i play NL400 online as my regular game and i think i play pretty decent for that its all a hobby to me

sorry for the fact that english is not my native language we can of course change it if you'd want to.

i never said you were wrong but you make hypothetical stuff up to prove that you smart and that you are right, which is i guess both correct looking at your other posts and i never said something else.

BUT: your underestimating people that say "never fold" to an NL50 player and that was my whole point. it actually is a good advice for most players and you can prove the opposite of EVERY advice you give to an NL50 player.

i know its possible to balance your ranges in a way that folding KK is the right play and you are not exploitable. but it nees a hell of a lot calling 3bets or then coldcalling and you need to use mixed strategies and watch that you won't get exploited in other lines which is possible and goes into the whole "exploiting argument"

but are you seriously suggesting that this is relevant for NL50. nobody uses mixed strategies and you will never have the information to evidence that so who cares?

you can call me an idiot and whatsoever and i as an idiot and alegedly NL50 player am really not capable of balancing that.

most peoples preflopplay includes calling KK preflop allin and you can easily calculate that, or you will give somwhere in your whole raise 3bet pushcall range to much foldequity away and you will be exploitable in that hand if you do not carfully allocate the hands in your different lines.

i just pointed out that practicly in NL50 online games and in most other games the statement "never fold kings" with most preflop strategies is acutally correct because you will not run into players like you or be able to fold as good as you.

in one sentence: you will never run across a guy in NL50 that will push your 3bet full stack with a good enough range that you can fold and you acutally have evidence about it because in general peoples range is lighter so you have to go with the uknonwn read before you grinded outta there!

so you might tell me i have lack of understanding but you get seriously agressive at me for no reason, even though my statement "crap" was kind of harsh and missleading because i think they are not helping even though correct and i never doubted that.

you just really want to be right i understand that, i usually want it too but you cannot always pick a statement like the "never fold kings" stuff apart just because its "mathematicly" not correct. the guy made false assumptions because of selective memory and you should have focused on that (you explained it, no doubt, but its easily possible to make wrong assumptions as a not so good player)

i never said your argument was wrong, i just added some facts that are relevant for him and other players at those stakes and i will pull out some statistical evidence for ya, i just downloaded a database of 650k hands in an other forum and will analyze it for you...

i don't see why my arguments where shot down because you did not show a statistic that the "unknown" at NL50 is tight enough in 4bet pushing to fold it. you bring up some threads as prove that it happens "a lot" while telling others that teir 10 hands were no samplesize, you did not prove that you will have enough information about a player that you can actually adjust if my first argument would be misprooved and so on...

but no harm done, i hope at least others understand what i'm pointing at with my argument even though i'm not english...
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