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Old 10-27-2007, 06:54 AM
HajiShirazu HajiShirazu is offline
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Default Re: Thoughts on NFL in London/cross country sporting pollination

All I know is that every time I talk to foreigners from a non-football country they always talk about how they can't understand the rules. I just don't get it, I thought football was pretty simple and stuff like rugby/cricket was at least on an equal level of complexity, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe all the penalties, and why certain things are against the rules, are a bit tough to learn until you've watched a few dozen games or so. For example I would have a tough time understanding why a big play would be called back for holding, since it looks like they are holding on every play anyway, partially because they are. Then again, in the end you could have watched a thousand games and never understand, coming to the conclusion like me that non-obvious phantom holding/pass interference calls are basically just one of the ways they rig the sport so that spreads are covered, just like deal-making in cricket or something.
Football is brutal, expensive, and has large land requirements so I don't see it catching on in most countries like basketball has. Basically to play serious organized football you have to accept that your entire body is going to hurt like hell for the entire season + another two weeks or so after, plus you're going to have a serious injury about 20% of the time. There are plenty of other sports that are just as if not more fun without these requirements, and the play to practice ratio of those sports is much higher. Personally I don't understand why it is as popular (to play) as it is. Tradition I guess.
I can see nascar becoming big in europe before football ever does.
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