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Old 10-27-2007, 05:47 AM
Buzz Buzz is offline
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Default Re: PL: Turned nut flush faces board pair on river

Hi Tex - I would be more aggressive after this flop. I would either bet $2.60 at the start of the second betting round, or check-raise to make it $4.10.

And then, having made a flush on the turn, I would bet the pot.

The way you played, it's very hard to know why your opponents are drawing. You figure they must have been drawing for something. But what? Does the board pair on the river make somebody a full house? If you check, somebody is likely to bet the void behind you. But it's hard for you to bet realizing you may get raised.

The way you played it up to this point, I guess I would check and call, hoping to induce a bluff behind me.

But hopefully, if you played more forcefully on the second and third betting rounds, although you probably don't get rid of somebody with top set, at least nobody might be left with two pairs or possibly middle set or bottom set. You want to do what you can to prevent an opponent from making a full house on the river.

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