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Old 10-27-2007, 04:05 AM
Burdzthewurd Burdzthewurd is offline
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Default Re: Bicep Tendonitis - how long to wait before lifting again?

I did something to my left booby muscle in the bench press. It's in my log, too lazy to look at it now, but I must have taken about a month off the bench press. txredman recommended that I take that long off, and I'm sure he has plenty of experience to know.

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Yikes, I can't fathom taking a month off of almost all upper-body exercises! The other day I did good mornings, squats, leg press and cable ab crunch with no problems except for lifting the barbell over my head to put on my neck/back. Obviously I'm gonna stay away from bicep curls, but would bench press/shoulder press/deadlifts be bad ideas?
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