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Old 10-26-2007, 10:37 PM
Dan Druff Dan Druff is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 244
Default Re: Just got paid.

Hilarious video. I bet he rehearsed those statements about 20 times in front of the bathroom mirror before going down there.

Mark, feel to free to point out where I "lied" or "exaggerated".

Did I ever accuse you of cheating? No, I didn't. Did I say that people need to examine the hand histories in that now-infamous heads up match? Yes, I did. And I would be a fool not to say that, given the fact that AP has admitted that their high limit players were cheated out of over a million dollars BY ONE OF THE SITE'S FOUNDERS. Any suspect session needs to be examined and evaluated at this point.

Let's look at this again.

One of the OWNERS/FOUNDERS of AP was implicated in cheating by viewing hole cards, and AP now admits this.

You are at the very least the "face" and marquee spokesman of AP. Your affiliation with AP may even run deeper than that.

There was an accusation against you of knowing the hole cards in a particular session in February, 2006 -- WAY before anyone realistically believed this was possible on AP.

Now that it has been proven that hole cards WERE VIEWED on the site, how can you think it is "unfair" that people would like your session with stuckinpgh re-examined?

I'm trying to figure out your logic here, in how you are calling yourself the victim and casting me as the villain.
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