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Old 10-26-2007, 03:02 PM
Jeffawesome Jeffawesome is offline
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Default How to get out of debt....HELP!

Okay so I recently broke up with my girlfriend whom I lived with. I have a decent amount of credit card debt ($10,000), so I decided to swallow my pride and move back in with my parents.

Okay so I'm 23 I work at a local casino part time. They started me out at four days then three days now were working two days. With four days I take home around $500, three days around $350 ish and two days obv less(havent had a paycheck with two days on it). My bills are my car payment (187) and my car insurance (295). My car insurance is so high because I have a newer car and 7 points. My question to you oh finance gurus is how do I get out of debt as quickly as possible. I'm not opposed to getting a second job and realize thats probably what im going to have to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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