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Old 10-26-2007, 12:54 PM
NoahSD NoahSD is offline
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Default Re: OOT, What is your life situation?

I'm a 21 yo math major at brown. I came to school thinking that I'd major in physics, switched to math eventually after realizing I didn't really like physics pretty quickly. Also realized I don't like math, but I'm a senior so it's too late to change.

Pretty nervous about the future. Don't really want to end up playing poker for a living, but that definitely seems to be the way my life is heading. Can't really think of something I'd rather do.

I'm pretty happy right now, though, when I don't think about the future. I basically just hang out with a different small circles of friends who know me really well and who I'm really comfortable around.

Edit: I play NL400 and NL600 right now, but I barely get in any hands cause of school and friends.
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