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Old 10-26-2007, 10:40 AM
csquard csquard is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 116
Default Re: High Stakes Poker thread (10/21) (spoilers to come) *DELETED*

One issue we haven't talked alot about are the interpersonal dynamcis of the players. Jennifer Harman alluded to this in her comment about jman (something like "I don't know you at all.") Many of the newbies to the group don't connect at all with the core players, coming across as either deer-in-the-headlights or give-no-tells poker players. As with many here defending the tight play, it is hard to fault the players doing this. Even their treatment of Gold seems to be different this year vs last, almost like they have begrudgingly let him in as an Associate Member of the club. Since this is a television show, and the banter is a good thing, they should look at ways to get the newbies somehow comfortable with the group. I'm not exactly sure what the answer is. Maybe a social session the day before the show, which would include a crazy donkament or a low-stakes game with some fanboys at the table as well. The core players have so much history with one another that their rhetoric is natural most of the time.

Also, the comments by Brandon and jman regarding the money in the cage that they brought seems to be a major misstep on their part. Anyone who plays poker knows the danger of scared money, and the fact that they were "saving" their bankroll for the next day's $500k min session is shown with their play. jman certainly would pick apart anyone who was concerned about not losing their bankroll for the next day like that. Both mentioned this as contributing to their tight play.
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