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Old 10-26-2007, 07:53 AM
stonescar stonescar is offline
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Default Re: ***SSNL LIFE THREAD [OCT]***

Not that I'm implying you would do that, but I wouldn't get married or engaged (with rings or carvings) just to please her, as I would feel dishonest either to myself or to her and I don't really think that kind of commitment should be hurried. I would just let her know how I felt about her, and tell her I wasn't ready to discuss such a commitment yet. It doesn't mean one loves the other less or anything stupid like that, just agree to talk about it some time in the future, like in a couple of years. Tell her in a nice way, and be sure to let her know that she is still as exclusive to you as if she had been your wife, or something like that.

Just as an aside, my ex often told me how she would picture us getting married and having children, we were really planning to spend the rest of our lives together, but still after 5 years we ended up apart. A lot of "early marriages" also end up in a divorce. Not trying to be a pessimistic dick here, just wanted to say these things really shouldn't be rushed or forced. I also think there are such major changes on a personal level from the age of 18-24, and in ones situation in life, that it's very hard to plan ahead in a lot of ways.

Other than that, grats, your gf really likes you. Let her know you appreciate that. Best of luck.