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Old 10-26-2007, 03:48 AM
sunnycalifornia sunnycalifornia is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 102
Default experiences with bulking

for those of you who have tried to bulk to add on lots of mass, how was your experience? I am currently 5 11, 149 pounds and I would like to be 180 by spring break which is actually probably a really easy goal considering I should be experiencing lots of beginner gains. My plan is to just eat 3000+ cals/day and do the rippletoes program. I will gain a lot of water weight/fat but that is what I want since I am so skinny. I want mass and I don't care about muscle or whatever. I'll worry about that after I get the mass.

I just want to hear other people's experiences - how long did it take them to achieve their goals, how difficult was it, what they did, etc.
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