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Old 10-25-2007, 09:12 PM
pegusus pegusus is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

God, could this episode have gone any better for James? He's got two immunity idols, how does he not get as far as those will take him?

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At the end of the episode they showed a preview for next week's episode. I don't know if it's a spoiler or not depending on where you are so I'll post it in white:

<font color="white"> On the previews it looks like Eric and Jaime found the other hidden immunity idol. When I saw that I was like WTF??? how on earth does James not find it first? Wouldn't the first thing you do when you get back to camp is grab it and let the Jaime/PG/Jaime know that you actually have the idol? so they can't vote you out? Little do they know he would actually have 2 idols. </font>

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ok, as i said, survivor purposely does this in order to stir things up and throw off the viewer, create suspense so to say. we know james is going for the idol as soon as he gets back, of the other 3 members, only jamie has any clues, and she only has the first two, so she certainly doesn't know where/what the idol is. based off that scene they showed the only thing I can surmise is that the idol is with james' stuff and the picked it up, I don't know whether players are allowed to steal idols but the previews were probably spinned, just like they did last year with yauman when they made it look like he got his taken away. I can almost say with certainty that jamie/eric will not just on their own "find" the idol
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