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Old 10-25-2007, 07:30 PM
MiloMinderbinder MiloMinderbinder is offline
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Default Re: Senate quashes grant for Woodstock museum

Senate quashes grant for Woodstock museum

McCain is good publicity for blasting this. Hillary and Schumer of course want it funded:

Clinton and her New York colleague, Sen. Charles Schumer, had the funding inserted into the $604 billion education and health spending bill. The Woodstock project's main backer, Alan Gerry, is a registered Republican who recently became a major contributor to the Schumer-led Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Nine days after the "earmark" was placed in the bill in June, Gerry and his wife contributed the maximum of $9,200 to Clinton's primary and general election campaign funds. The Gerry family contributed an additional $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, USA TODAY reported Wednesday.

You give me a $1,000,000, I'll give you ~$30,000.

It appears that a Hillary presidency will be a presidency that is available to those special interests that cough up the bucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, totally unlike the Republicans from 2000-2006. More hypocritical outrage. If right wing wants to rail against this, please join us in the libertarian camp so you at least have a clear conscience and don't come off like a political hack.
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