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Old 10-25-2007, 01:26 PM
cbloom cbloom is offline
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Default Re: about to colon cleanse - what\'s gonna happen to me?

BTW I just saw the Nova the other day about epigenetics where they talked about this isolated scandanavian town where they had all these records for the past few hundred years of the family lines and also the harvests. They figured out that grandchildren of people who were born during a famine were actually healthier (longer lives) than the grandchildren of people who were born in times of plenty. (something like that, it was complicated, but they had good data and the trend was very strong).

I'm definitely part of the anti-fasting crowd, but there are very complicated things that go on in the human body that are still not understood.

In any case, some real information would be nice.

One thing that we don't discuss much on this forum is that the whole bodybuilding diet, which is very high G-flux is likely to shorten your life. It's pretty well demonstrated that calorie restriction prolongs life, and overeating shortens life, that basically the more metabolic activity your body does the more likely various failures and diseases are. So all this "healthy lifestyle" stuff has its drawbacks.
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