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Old 10-24-2007, 07:17 PM
Andykay Andykay is offline
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Default Re: Villain open shove flops in 3bet pot

Wow I went to sleep and this thread exploded. Ok first off, when I said that the player seemed bad, the only info I had for that is the obvious, he open shoved a flop for 4x the pot. That isn't to say he is an awful player in all regards. For all I know he could be 2+2 and using some kind of crazy reverse level, knowing the standard 2+2 line on this board is snap call.

This is a 3bet pot. If he is remotely competent he probably realises on that board i've either got a monster or nothing. I don't necessarily know if he's bad enough to just open shove top pair when I could very easily have a set/overpair here.

I know folding here looks weak, but this hand is one of a few where i've flopped a set or a big overpair and the dynamics of that particular hand have made me feel like I should fold. Every time that's been the case in recent months i've been beaten. Of course i've called every time because that's the standard line, but i'm starting to question whether it should always be.

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