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Old 10-24-2007, 05:55 PM
jlkrusty jlkrusty is offline
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Default Re: $5/$10 Set River Decision (Hand reading related)


I don't like your flop min raise. Every dollar you bet on the flop is like betting three dollars since you can bet progressively more in relation to the pot size on the turn and river. When you have a set, it's important to figure out a gameplan to get all the chips in the middle by the river. In otherwords, on the flop, develop a plan for how you can get all the chips in. The easiest and usual course for getting this done is to get as many chips in on the flop as possible. This will help ensure that by the river you'll get all the chips in.

Or maybe your plan to get all the chips in was to make a sneaky river inducing bluff bet. For most sets, you should not be relying on something like that to get the chips in.

As for the rest of the hand: If your read on him was as good as you say, then other than the flop, I think you played the hand fine. And, if you knew he was on air, then I like your smallish bet on the river.
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