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Old 10-24-2007, 04:58 PM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Why can\'t I believe? (is it a genetic predisposition?)

1. Richer and it's not close, belief in a fantasy is a mind-crippling state.
2. We are born with a good chunk of our personality, and rationality and skepticism are personality traits so the tendency to be a non-believer in X is likely fairly basic. The psychological need for other religious trappings is part of our personality, so ditto.
If I could inject my children with a questioning attitude I'd administer it myself. They can end up believing what they want, just as long as they get there down an non-deluded honest road.
Religious belief robs life of so much of it's meaning I'd like to see them having the best shot to avoid that greyness.

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