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Old 10-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: Why can\'t I believe? (is it a genetic predisposition?)

It's called skepticism. Those who are logically minded are less likely to take things that don't conform to rationality as being true without some sort of definitive proof.

Think of how easily some people are amazed by an apparent coincidence. They just don't need many examples of an astrological sign matching up to a personality type, in order to be convinced. Or to have too many good days with a lucky charm to think there must be something to it. I just PM'd bunny about an extraordinary coincidence that ocurred in my life that I STILL to this day wonder about. Yet, I still can't bring myself to believe in paranormal premonitions or ESP, etc.

You can use the terms rationality, gullibility, or skepticism. It all comes down to the same thing. Intelligent people who are well educated are less likely to believe something out of hand. If it doesn't make sense to them, they'll want proof. The more outragious the claim, the more proof they'll need.

A rationally minded person looks at virgin births and coming back from the dead and says, "Wait a minute!... This is contrary to everything we know about the world and the way things work. Why would it be logical to conclude this happened in this one instance?".

Because of this, never a believer will he be.
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