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Old 10-24-2007, 04:09 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Clarifying

The answer you got was the best one but you're rejecting it. Screw machines.

They do not make you anywhere near as strong as weights or develop you functionally as well. Reliance on stabilizer muscles, from the muscles around your ribcage to your abs and obliques and lower back, and including your legs, is what teaches you to lift properly and gives you strength that's applicable in the real world, including sports. When you give that up, you give up a LOT, and what people are doing is warning you that you probably are undervaluing that by a country mile.

Don't assume that everyone with a different point of view than your own is always dumber than you are or flat out ignorant. In this instance especially, you would do well not to jump to that favorite conclusion. You really do yourself a noticeable disservice by using machines.

But if that's what you want to do, so be it and more power to you. Some of us were just trying to help.
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