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Old 10-24-2007, 03:59 PM
GAL GAL is offline
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Default Re: Lead, C/R or CC this multi way pot OOP?

O.K. I checked, I thought about leading this flop for a couple of reasons
1) I have the nut flush draw, 1 of the 5s and 2x6s this really cuts down on the number of drawing hands the other players can have, someone would be really lucky to have 456 here with a flush draw and even if they do i'm crushing them, unless they have this
pokenum -o 5s 6c 6d ad - 4h 5d 6h 7d -- 2d 3d 7h
Omaha Hi: 820 enumerated boards containing 3d 2d 7h
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
5s 6c Ad 6d 267 32.56 485 59.15 68 8.29 0.367
7d 5d 6h 4h 485 59.15 267 32.56 68 8.29 0.633

Amazing to see how having just a pair changes the equity in this hand
pokenum -o 5s 6c 6d ad - 4h 5d 6h kd -- 2d 3d 7h
Omaha Hi: 820 enumerated boards containing 3d 2d 7h
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
5s 6c Ad 6d 491 59.88 256 31.22 73 8.90 0.643
Kd 5d 6h 4h 256 31.22 491 59.88 73 8.90 0.357

Anyway I decided to use my position as I'm not to good with PLO equities and don't know if my hand can stand a raise

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Diamonds, 2 of Diamonds, 7 of Hearts
hero checked
Huge_Man went all-in - $10.04
kryckanII folded
kpik raised - $90.12
KesacoPhedo went all-in - $77.55

My notes and reads on Kpik say he will not bet BTM 2 in a multi way pot I don't know how accurate they are but I put him on a draw top 2 or a set, so that makes this a call right?
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