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Old 10-24-2007, 03:00 PM
zasterguava zasterguava is offline
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Default Why can\'t I believe? (is it a genetic predisposition?)

I, and others, have the inability to believe in a divine power despite attempts of religious schooling and the general institutionalized instruments within society to promote such a disillusionment. Though, as I guess I have made apparent, I am somewhat educated on the concept of atheism and antitheism I am interested to understand why some of us, even as children, are unable to conform and believe in God even after immense efforts.

I have 2 questions:

Supposing I wanted the ability to believe in a a God but just didn't have it in me to fulfil such a longing; am I a lesser or richer person than somebody who can?

Secondly, what are the chances that some people are born with a genetic predisposition rendering them incapable of faith and if such a gene exists; would you wish it upon your children?
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