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Old 10-24-2007, 02:53 PM
mothergoose mothergoose is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 7
Default Re: AP Visit: I\'m going to Costa Rica

I've seen the light. Accordingly, I've written to my MP, outlining my belief that we're wasting far too much time and money on our criminal justice system. Convictions should simply be handed out the moment the prosecution is satisfied a crime has been committed and they think they know whodunnit. Further investigation could work in the defendant's favour, but since we know that just means the crime scene's been rigged we shouldn't allow it to unnecessarily complicate the matter.

In short:
1."We think you're all guilty"
2."Wait, it was just these tw..."
3."Don't want to hear it"
4. ......?
5. Justice
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