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Old 10-24-2007, 01:15 PM
Sponger. Sponger. is offline
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Default Re: OOT, What is your life situation?

Poker (mostly 10/20nl)

As far as my happiness is concerned, I feel really good about poker right now, my social life is pretty weak (I think I have enough friends, I just don't put in enough effort into those relationships), but I just moved back to San Diego a few months ago and have begun setting up my life here, also the fact that I've spend the last several years sitting in front of the computer I'm definitely lost a lot of social skills and feel like I've missed out on a lot of things because I haven't gotten out there and done anything or met new friends. So I'm trying to unlearn that too. Although things have been busy/stressful at times so I'm pretty comfortable with my situation right now.

In 6 months if I'm still not doing much I will probably be disappointed though, but for now I feel really optimistic about my future and the options that I have created for myself thanks to online poker.
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