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Old 10-24-2007, 12:54 PM
DawnToDusk DawnToDusk is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: @ The Grind Factory
Posts: 943
Default Re: Oct 23rd

My winters goal is to try to drop by body fat (as I put a lot on in college) and put on lean mass. If you would like to learn more about me I have created several indepth posts on questions I had and what I wanted to do. You can go here here."]]here.[/url][/url] I don't want to make up any excuses for a poor diet (not that its unhealthy) that doesn't match with my workout routine but I am still kind of getting situated into this new lifestyle. I still haven't really made any concrete goals for winter. I feel like saying dropping some body fat and putting on lean mass is a goal I kind of made on a whim so I could go to the gym and start learning more about my body.

I do know that by the end of the school year (late May/early June) that I want to have bulked up a lot. With that being said if you were to take the two days that I have posted already and that was during my bulking up phase, what would you have done to change the meals?
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