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Old 10-24-2007, 12:28 PM
JeffM JeffM is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 179
Default Re: $5/$10 Set River Decision (Hand reading related)

NYWalker, I am not going to get into all the immature name calling that has become commonplace on this forum ever since it became infested by 16 yr olds. That being said, my question is this....why do you post a hand that you clearly feel you played perfectly? It seems like anytime someone gives you a critisism in this hand (which is the whole purpose of ppl posting) you counter with all of the reasons why your actions were perfect in the hand. Without being results oriented I feel it is impossible for any objective person with a deep poker knowledge to opine that you played this hand well. It is unwise to put your opponent on "nothing" and play the hand accordingly even though all of his actions in the hand say otherwise. You have to put opponents on hand ranges and, with a big hand, try to get the most money in as possible vs. the part of his range that you beat. While you're clearly quite proud of yourself for getting this particular opponent to stack off with A9o, the reality is that it was more likely for him to have a wide range of hands that you could have cost yourself a lot of value against b/c of your weak line. Finally, I don't understand how you can be 100% certain that your opponent has air on the flop, yet you decide to raise?? And when someone has the audacity to question this irrational action you remind them how great of a player you are. From reading many of your posts, it is clear to me that you do lack a fundamental understanding of the more important concepts of the game. That is not an attack on you as a person, but only my assesment from information you've provided to us about your thinking through several posts. Instead of trying to teach everyone on here how to play, maybe you should eat some humble pie and try to learn from the many great posters on here. Just my two cents...
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